Request for information

All banks in Norway are required by law to obtain specific information from their customers. Press the button below to access our online banking. Here you can edit or add new personal information.

  • How will I be contacted?

    All customers will receive a communication by email, SMS or letter with a request to complete a customer information request form. If we do not hear from you, we will send follow-up communications to ensure that you have the opportunity to respond timely and provide the requested information.

  • What will you ask me?
  • How to update via online banking

What happens if I don`t provide my information? 

It is important that you provide us your details to make sure that we have customer information that is correct. If you do not fill in the customer information request form within the deadline, we will send reminders by SMS and email. We will continue to send reminders, but if we do not receive a response, we may ultimately be required to terminate your customer relationship with Santander. It is therefore important that you respond to requested information from us.

What does a termination of the customer relationship entail? 

Upon termination of the customer agreement, all your products with us will be discontinued. This means that accounts and cards you may have with us will be blocked. You will not be permitted to take out new loans or use our products or services until you provide the necessary information. Any outstanding loans will be due for immediate re-payment in full.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is money laundering?
  • What does AML mean?
  • Why the new disclosure requirement now?
  • Why should a bank have my information?

Why do we need up-to-date information? 

Due to new legislation and an increased focus on money laundering in the EU, we must periodically update the information about all our customers. 

We would like to clarify that we in no way suspect that you as a customer have done anything illegal.

Thank you very much for your help.

PS. If you are stuck and need help, you can call us on tel: +47 21 08 30 00