Bli en del av Santander
Ønsker du å bli en del av en av verdens største banker? Vi kombinerer lokal tilhørighet med global styrke.

Disse stillingene kan du søke på i dag!
Due Diligence Team Leader
Join Our Team as a Due Diligence Team Leader at Santander!
Are you ready to take on an important role in our mission to prevent financial crime? At Santander, we believe that you can make a significant impact in ensuring that we meet regulatory requirements and uphold industry standards. As our Due Diligence Team Leader, you will be at the forefront of our efforts to protect our customers and our bank.
In this role, you will implement our strategy for preventing financial crime by leading our customer due diligence measures. Your expertise will be crucial in adapting to the rapidly changing regulatory environment, ensuring that we are always one step ahead.
What You’ll Do:
- Lead with Purpose: You will secure timely reviews and manage customer due diligence processes, ensuring that we maintain the highest standards of quality and integrity in our work.
- Collaborate and Support: Working closely with the Head of Investigation & Due Diligence, you will help shape the strategy for our team, defining responsibilities and ways of working that empower us to meet regulatory requirements and market expectations.
- Build Strong Relationships: You will foster strong connections with our Operations and Commercial departments, as well as our HQ, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration.
- Empower Your Team: You will provide the tools and support necessary for your team members to excel in their tasks, building a strong and cohesive unit.
- Drive Continuous Improvement: Together, we will implement and enhance our strategy and framework, ensuring that our processes are efficient and effective.
- Facilitate Cooperation: You will ensure smooth collaboration with stakeholders, enabling effective controls across all lines of defense and contributing to a robust Financial Crime Prevention environment.
Senior Risk Governance Analyst
Are you ready to lead the change in risk governance and make a significant impact at Santander Nordics?
Then join our Risk Governance Team within the Enterprise-Wide Risk Management (EWRM) function. We are seeking a Senior Risk Governance Analyst to oversee our end-to-end governance processes, including committee management, internal regulations, and risk culture promotion.
Our team closely collaborates with the Chief Risk Officer and other teams in the Risk function, plays a crucial role in ensuring clear oversight of internal and external regulations, and is a foundational element of bank-wide internal governance.
Additionally, the team is pivotal in driving the bank's risk culture plans and appraising risk performance management. We partner closely with other functions of the bank and serve as a liaison with Santander Spain on global initiatives.
Key Responsibilities
- Committee Management: Design and coordinate the annual committee plan, manage agendas, and facilitate meetings for key executive committees (RCCo, RACo), ensuring all major risk decisions are made and monitored effectively.
- Internal Regulations: Ensure compliance with internal regulations (policies, procedures, models), drive the annual review process, and maintain the Group’s Master Governance File. Host Risk Governance forums to promote best practices and maintain close dialogue with Santander HQ in Madrid to anticipate new regulations.
- Risk Culture Promotion: Foster a strong risk culture aligned with Santander’s values through workshops, training, and communication initiatives, ensuring all employees are engaged in risk management activities.
- Communication: Manage stakeholder communications, including Risk Town Halls and newsletters, and maintain the Risk SharePoint site to facilitate effective communication related to risk management across the organization.
- Risk Operations: Have overview and deep understanding of Risk internal operations to provide support and drive processes when required, including risk event planning, coordinate HQ initiatives related to Risk Governance, and assist the Risk Leadership Group with strategic tasks as needed.
External Recovery Lead, Collections
As External Recovery Lead you play a key role in our collections team, overseeing the follow up of our external collection agencies.
In this role you will actively develop, optimize and manage our Nordic external recovery processes. Your will drive initiatives such as special campaigns targeting specific focus groups, handling everything from planning, execution to follow-up, reporting, and best practices sharing.
To succeed, you will build strong working relationships with our vendors, closely monitoring their performance through key performance indicators (KPIs) and benchmarking. You will provide clear direction, inspire and coordinate their efforts, and keep them focused on achieving objectives.
Additionally, you will be responsible for training and coaching external teams to ensure they deliver the best possible customer experience. Since collections plays a crucial role in our customers' lifecycle, maintaining quality control is essential. Through regular quality assessments, we ensure compliance with regulations and internal policies.
Frequent on-site visits and conference calls will be part of your routine, and you will also handle ad-hoc reporting.
You will work in a Nordic team that values collaboration. Close collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders are crucial for your success
Main Responsibilities will be:
- Strategy implementation: Ensure recovery processes align with the overall strategy.
- Vendor Management: Actively manage vendor performance, share and implement best practices, monitor KPIs, design and run targeted campaigns.
- Cross-Functional Cooperation: Work closely with internal and external stakeholders to drive results.
Sales Consultant - vikariat
Har du lyst til at tale med kunder?
... så har vi netop slået dørene op for en ny mulighed, hvor vi har brug for en vikar frem til d.31.10.2025. Bliv en del af et team fuld af energi, grin og samarbejde.
Din hverdag i Origination Unsecured
Når du møder ind på din første dag i Origination Unsecured, får du en varm velkomst af dine 5 kollegaer, som har glædet sig til at få dig med på holdet. Sammen har vi ansvaret for at besvare opkald, chat og mails, når der skal lånes til private på de forskellige produkter, vi har. Og så er der altid en munter tone i luften.
Lav kreditvurderingen, og tag snakken med kunden
Som Sales Consultant får du ansvaret for at lave kreditvurderingerne, når kunden ønsker at låne til en drøm, de har. Denne drøm kan også være igennem en forhandler/butik, vi har samarbejde med. Det betyder, at du også får kontakt med forhandlere – både på telefon og mail. Det bliver bl.a. din opgave at:
- 90% af hverdagen består af at svare på opkald fra vores kunder/forhandlere. Ca.30-40 kald dagligt.
- Foretage kreditvurderinger af ansøgninger på alle produkter i teamet.
- Servicering af forespørgsler fra private kunder og forhandlere på igangværende ansøgninger, både telefonisk og skriftligt
- Deltage i afdelingens ad-hoc-opgaver
- Skiftende arbejdstider i tidsrummet hverdage fra kl. 8-20, lørdag fra kl.10-18 eller søndag fra kl.9-17. På nuværende tidspunkt ca. 1 aftenvagt pr. uge og 1-2 weekendvagter pr. måned
Dine kvalifikationer
- Har erfaring med at servicere kunder via telefon, mail og chat
- Erfaring med kreditvurderinger
- Er drevet og motiveret af at give en fantastisk service og overholde deadlines
- Trives med forandringer, et højt tempo og har et personligt overskud til at gå forrest
- Du er proaktiv og er god til at se mulige forbedringer i processer
- Gode kommunikative egenskaber der er loyalitetsskabende overfor kunder/partnere
- Du er en person med stærk sans for detalje og kvalitet, der altid stræber efter at levere præcist og fejlfrit arbejde
- Du er teamplayer og deltager aktivt gennem dit engagement og store drive
- Er konkurrenceminded og motiveres af at nå dine egne og virksomhedens mål
- Du er struktureret og god til at skabe overblik samtidig med, at du har flere bolde i luften
Hvad tilbyder vi?
Vi tilbyder dig en stilling i et spændende og udfordrende miljø med gode kolleger og ordnede arbejdsforhold, hvor du samtidig har stor mulighed for at præge din egen hverdag. Jobbet giver mulighed for faglig og personlig udvikling, hvor din indsats har stor betydning for virksomhedens resultat. Ydermere tilbydes der pensionsordning, sundhedssikring, tandlægeforsikring og et godt introduktionsforløb.
Du søger jobbet ved at sende din ansøgning og dit CV senest 26. marts 2025 via nedenstående link. Vi holder samtaler løbende, så søg snarest muligt. Alle ansøgninger behandles fortroligt.
Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig.
Har du spørgsmål til jobbet er du velkommen til at kontakte nærmest teamleder for Origination Unsecured Serpil Karatas på tlf. 60376804